Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Soccer Carnival Guarantees a Future for the Youths †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Soccer Carnival Guarantees a Future for the Youths. Answer: Target audience The targeted audience for this soccer carnival is are children who are the future soccer players. They form the long-term business perspective. The communication tools would help to reach this targeted audience. Purpose The project would communicate relevant information regarding soccer development programs using ProSoccerData (PSD). The PSD is the best communication tool that trainers, players, and parents use. This software optimizes the operations and communication with the soccer club. Name Soccer carnival guarantees a future for the youths Rationale for choosing this communication tool PSD has become important software that the soccer carnival uses to recruit, track, and communicate with its young talents. The amateur club uses the PSD system to build relationship. The system allows the club to access recent updates regarding the players. Today, the PSD has become common for trainers because it helps them to integrate the sportive reporting functionalities (ProSoccerdata, 2017). PSD has thus become an important communication tool that has simplified communication between parents, trainers, and players. Planned distribution method and promotion activities for this communication tool The message or information will be conveyed through the social media platforms and smartphones. In fact, it will critical to install the PSD software to facilitate the delivery and monitoring of the updates. Identification of the people and resources required to produce this communication tool The production of this important communication tool requires the input of key stakeholders including parents, trainers, and players. The management will use the views of the stakeholders to design the policy and information regarding its application. With the help of the software designer, it will be polished and published as an application for the club. Stakeholders shall receive the publication through their social media platforms, emails, and the clubs newsletter. Outline of the development, approval and production process This project entails the soccer development plan through different process. Identification of message The message used will be based on the needs to develop and tap the soccer talents in the community. The message will address the needs of the targeted audience and stakeholders. Development of policy This forms the second step, which involves the establishment of a policy to outline the main needs of the youths and their parents. Nonetheless, the policy development will depend on the dynamic situation thus makes it a continuous process. Approving the policy With the policies and updates, the clubs legal team will scrutinize and approve it based on the inputs of stakeholders. Designing the message The clubs information technology department will design the new policy to meet the expectations of stakeholders. This message will entail the relevant approved policy and visual information corresponding to the market. Publishing the message The stakeholders will do the publication of the message on the preferable media that is accessible. Monitoring and collecting feedback The management needs to monitor the campaign by collecting relevant information on the social platform. With the feedback, the management will be able to identify the areas of improvement. Reporting campaign The management will report the campaigns outcomes to its stakeholders to refine policy and improve the operations of the organization. Bibliography ProSoccerdata. (2017). Diegem Sport. Retrieved September 21, 2017, from

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